The Kid is a Traveler

Its been a while since my last post. I hope you guys missed me so dearly. I cannot think of a better topic today but I worry a lot because it seems like I have been busy doing important things and I forgot my social obligation. Funny? I hope it is.

Apparently, I have the time to use the laptop because I introduced the mp3 player to my son. He finds it amusing right now and he is not disturbing me at this point. He is busy listening to my own jogging playlist and putting his imagination on the bricks that he is playing right now. Then suddenly, I realized that the music he is listening might not be appropriate, so I am now downloading children's song.
Our Trip to Surigao
Traveling with a tyke like Sebastian can be stressful because he thinks that the airport is a playground. He would go almost all over the place and check on us from time to time if we are still waiting for our boarding call.  Mind you, it is not safe to let them roam around by themselves because we never know they could be kidnapped. Kids could be a good organ donor. Let your kid wear something that you can easily recognize him, if you want to exaggerate and you are techie, you can attach a GPS tracking device to your kid. Although I have been planning to buy a customized dog tag for him with our names engraved and our contact numbers, not that I am expecting this to happen. Travelers should always be prepared.

We usually bring snacks for him and at least a couple of bottles for his milk and water to keep him hydrated. If you can bring a handy toy to keep him busy, go for it. Simple toys that aren't messy and please avoid the ones with small detachable parts, for sure it will fall apart, then you give yourself the problem of picking it most of the time. Sorry but we don't have a uniformed nanny to mind our kid. We can't afford one and besides, our Sebastian is like a tamed wolf. That's another story.
Waiting for our flight to Surigao.
Lucky for us because he is not afraid to fly. It might be because he started flying when he was 2 months old. He even got a commendation from a foreigner who was sitting before us. He was surprised to see an infant that never cried during the entire flight. "He will be a pilot someday", he said. One of the best compliment, but of course flattering.

Always have your kids vitamins, medications and other important stuff ready. Diapers and wet wipes should never be missing in action. These are the basic needs when traveling, because sometimes we can't find the brand that our kids are endorsing, right?

More about traveling with kids on my future posts. Have a great day everyone!


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