Our Port, The Airport

I could not think of a better topic to share since last night, my mind has been thinking a lot of things for the past few days while I worry so much that it has been a long time since my last post.

I hope you guys enjoy reading and get some useful information about my blog as it is the main reason why I put up this one.

Okay, now I have one important topic in mind. Let's get started.

Airports. We have plenty of them here in the country and there are things we should remember. The most important is, never crack a bomb joke inside the airport as this will be taken seriously and it could be grounds for detention or even incarceration. I don't know how it started, but I get the impression that everyone is serious inside the airport. You can't be just cracking any stupid joke like that or face humiliation.

NAIA Terminal 3 - Terminal Fee Collection Booth
Before you can get inside, you have to prepare your ticket and a valid identification card. If you can't flash it, then sorry but they are just doing their job to make everyone secured. Why? Can't criminals have a valid ID? Aside from security, at least there is a valid proof of identity that you are indeed the person printed in the ticket. That make sense to stolen tickets, right?
Mactan-Cebu International Airport
Once you pass through the initial security check, there is a final check that you have to remove your shoes, belt, watch, mobile phones should be in your carry on bag and other metallic objects that you have. It's a security thing and for the safety of every traveler. Prepare the exact amount for the terminal fee, it will be swift for everyone.

Read the signs. It is very important and never be too shy to ask if you are lost.


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